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Steps to identify the pros and cons of 5.5mm spc tile flooring
 Aug 23, 2020|View:260|

1) Look at the color: mainly look at the color of "5.5mm spc tile flooring", the color of the pure material is beige, the mixed material is gray, cyan, and white, and the recycled material is gray-black and black. The cost can be divided into many levels.

2) Touch feeling: 5.5mm spc tile flooring The substrate feels fine and moist. Recycled materials and mixtures have a dry hand and no moisture. Whether the smoothness and fit of the two pieces are good after splicing.

3) Smell: This is because there are a few very bad ones that will have a little smell. Most of the recycled materials and mixtures can still be odorless.

4) Light (transmittance): The mobile phone flashlight is irradiated against the floor, with good light transmission, and the admixture and recycled materials are opaque. Or the light transmission is poor.

Steps to identify the pros and cons of 5.5mm spc tile flooring

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