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Talk about the spc flooring installation
 Dec 24, 2021|View:21|

At present the kind of floor on market is various, resemble floor board of wood floor, pottery and porcelain this kind already household name. However, SPC floor believe that the understanding of friends are not many. So, let’s talk about the spc flooring installation. Write down SPC floor manufacturer for you to introduce how to install it.

afa75b50-4314-4cbc-beca-eacd58033981.jpg1. SPC floor variety, from the shape of the square and strip; In terms of structure, it can be divided into homogeneity, multi-layer composite, semi-homogeneity and so on. The quality of SPC floor is very thin, the normal thickness is 2-3mm, and each flat can bear 2-3kg, the thicker the thickness, the greater the bearing. Whole contrast comes down, return not as good as common wood floor 10%, save a space very much.

2. Now home decoration can also see the shadow of SPC floor, choose it to decorate the value is its excellent green environmental protection. SPC floor is the main ingredient of natural stone powder, the spc flooring manufacturer do not contain any radioactive elements, do not contain formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful substances, is very green ground decoration materials, give people a new choice of floor decoration materials.

3 SPC floor surface covered with a layer of wear-resisting layer, it is because of it, THE wear resistance of SPC floor can be guaranteed, the natural audience is also wider. In home decoration, can be used for the decoration of the large living room, but also for hospitals, schools, office buildings and other public places. SPC flooring also has a very high elasticity and impact resistance, compared to wood flooring, it can be a greater degree of mitigation of the impact of the human body.


We specialize in providing you with high-quality 6mm rigid core flooring and related accessories. We support a global fast delivery service for your order. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!

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